Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills

Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills


Course Provider: Birmingham Christian College

Awarding Body: CPCAB

Pre-requisite Information: CPCAB Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills or equivalent from a recognised learning institution.

Level 3 Qualification is designed for candidates who have undertaken counselling skills training, e.g. our Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills or equivalent.

Course Duration: 3hrs x 30 weeks
Guided Learning Hours (GLH): 90hrs (minimum)
Total Qualification Time: 196hrs
Number of teaching weeks: 20

Teaching Schedule: 30 weeks. 3hrs Thursday evening. In addition to the scheduled teaching times, students will be asked to do some reading and reflection as part of their learning hours.

Course booking details Introductory 1741925782-Shape Counselling Online
Course fee:
Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills £1175