All ACC counsellors/psychotherapists on Find a counsellor meet our education and training standards and adhere to our ethics and practice and are on ACC’s accredited register. Some ACC counsellors/psychotherapists will choose not to be on Find a counsellor, but all will be on ACC’s register.
Our Find a counsellor is designed to help you find a suitable counsellor/psychotherapist. Type what you are looking for into the search box above; once you press “Search”, it will bring up a page that shows search results as well as more filters if you want to narrow your search further.
A counsellor/psychotherapist may choose not to be listed on the ACC’s Find a counsellor for various reasons, for example, they work entirely for an agency and have no need to advertise their practice, they currently have no availability, they are on a practice-break. However, all ACC registered counsellors/psychotherapists are listed on the register and so if you cannot find a particular counsellor/psychotherapist on Find a counsellor, please use our check the register.
If you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact us.
ACC holds a national register of counsellors who are Christian. Our register is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).