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From our journal


From our journal

Our accord journal is a quarterly publication for members, providing news, information and articles on counselling and pastoral care. We have created this space where we post articles that either otherwise can’t fit within the limited page range of the published journal or they are a sample from a particular issue.

We welcome contributions for accord from academics and experienced practitioners willing to share knowledge, ideas and know-how.

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From adoptee to counsellor

Author: Cam Lee Small, MS, LPCC

Radical hospitality

Author: Tania Bright, Co-CEO Safe Families and Home for Good

My experience with disability

Author: Chris Booth

Finding our voice

Author: Gillian Stuart

When words are not enough – an introduction to creative approaches

Author: Pauline Andrew

Spiritual abuse: an exploration

Author: Kathy Spooner

Pastoral accompaniment at the end of life

Author: Elizabeth Neve

Utilising stones in counselling

Author: Angie Petrie

Holding space in the healing journey

Author: Dieula M. Previlon

Exploring whiteness, white privilege and power

Author: Dr Rachel Starr

Severe mental illness: Tips and pitfalls to avoid for counsellors and pastoral care workers

Author: Sharon Hastings

Thoughts from a young male professional

Author: Dave Banks