two men talking

Pastoral care training

Professional training

Pastoral care training

Christian pastoral care is ultimately concerned with developing quality relationships, enabling one another to recognise, follow and become more like Jesus. It is a commitment to love one another because we ourselves are first loved by God, and embraces a wide range of activity in support of one another, in and beyond the church.

We believe that pastoral care is a missional activity which we are ALL called to wherever God places us, as we love and care for one another, which SOME are particularly gifted for, as they are called to specific pastoral care roles and responsibilities and which a FEW are led to resource through specialist skills, training, knowledge and experience, as they enable the ALL and the SOME.

It might involve:

  • sustaining others through prolonged difficulty or immediate need
  • enabling the journey of healing and wholeness
  • considering the process of reconciliation with God, self and others
  • offering guidance about other resources and enabling different perspectives

It might take the form of listening, encouraging, visiting, hospitality, advocacy, mentoring, befriending, celebrating, practically helping, prayer, comforting, enabling etc.

It might be offered:

  • formally by a pastoral care team or network or by church leadership
  • informally in everyday relationships
  • by individuals
  • by small groups
  • through a particular ministry
  • through an outreach project
  • by one church or a group of churches
  • in the church setting
  • in other settings school, workplace

We offer a variety of training courses and workshops on pastoral care that are suitable for the ALL, SOME and FEW, from developing firm foundations for the practical provision of pastoral care to understanding specific mental health issues.

three people sitting on a bench talking
Pastoral care membership

The work of ACC Pastoral Care has a strong emphasis on enabling individuals, churches and organisations to develop good practice. We endeavour to be a Christian resource that enables the missional purpose, potential and practice of pastoral care to be developed. Pastoral care membership provides opportunities to:

Pastoral care workshops and courses

picture of people jumping on a beach as sunset
Developing Quality Relationships in Churches and Communities

Developing Quality Relationships in Churches and Communities is a 2-hour workshop that aims to enable all members of church to explore the development of quality relationships from a Christian perspective, considering the call to follow Jesus, the command to love one another and participate in God’s mission of reconciliation.

three people sitting in a park reading and taking notes
Exploring Pastoral Care

This 6-session, self-led small group course is suitable for ALL church members (e.g. home groups, cell groups and fellowship groups) as well as SOME church members involved, or thinking about becoming involved, in pastoral care in the church and community. The course considers a Christian perspective of pastoral care, dimensions and definitions of pastoral care, who is called to care for whom, caring qualities, Jesus the carer, listening to others, to God and to ourselves, confidentiality and resources. Each session is designed for 1½ hours and offers opportunity for Bible study, discussion, sharing and reflection.

two women talking while having a hot drink
Foundations in Pastoral Care: Pastoral Training Course Part 1

Foundations in Pastoral Care a 6-week online course that supports the development of firm foundations for the practical provision of pastoral care with others.

two men talking
Building Blocks in Pastoral Care: Pastoral Training Course Part 2

Building Blocks in Pastoral Care is a 6-session online course for experienced pastoral carers that supports further development of effective pastoral care.

picture of two people talking and having a coffee together
Guidelines for Good Practice in Pastoral Care

Guidelines for Good Practice in Pastoral Care is a 2-hour workshop that aims to enable participants involved in the ministry of pastoral care, to become familiar with ACC’s Guidelines for Good Practice and to see how they might be applied to their own context.

Setting up and running a pastoral team

This training is for church members and leaders seeking practical information to assist them in setting up and running a pastoral team within a church context.

Pastoral accompaniment at the end of life

The purpose of this training session is to equip and enable pastoral carers and ministers to accompany those within our churches and communities who are at the end of their life.

Caring for Ourselves

This two-session course is designed to equip pastoral carers to support their own holistic wellbeing. Supporting wellbeing is essential for pastoral carers as it protects carers from overload, compassion fatigue and burnout. As such, it also supports the ministry of pastoral care to be safe and sustainable for both the pastoral carer and those being cared for.