picture of a trainer talking to a group of people at an acc event

Upcoming events

Upcoming Events

For continued professional development

We organise professional events related to different aspects of counselling and pastoral care. Most of our events are online which are easy to access, and are open to members and non-members.

They include:

  • counselling CPD events that focus on specific themes
  • pastoral care courses and workshops
  • free members forums (members only)
  • conferences

For events run by our members or other organisations, please visit here.

To explore training courses run by our organisational members, please visit here.

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 events

Foundations in Pastoral Care (Northern Ireland)

A 6-session course in Northern Ireland that supports the development of firm foundations for the practical provision of pastoral care with others.

Guidelines for Good Practice in Pastoral Care

Workshop aim

ACC National Conference 2024

In his letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul encouraged those in the
churches who were facing difficulties and prayed that, “…you, being
rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the
Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is
the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses
knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of
God.” (Ephesians 3:17-19)

Setting up and running a pastoral team (September 2024)

The purpose of this training is to help churches to set up and run a safe and effective pastoral care team. It is suitable for church members and leaders seeking practical information to assist them in setting up and running a pastoral team within a church context.

Foundations in Pastoral Care

A 6-week online course that supports the development of firm foundations for the practical provision of pastoral care with others.

Building Blocks in Pastoral Care

Are you seeking fresh insights about pastoral care? Wishing to build upon your existing knowledge and skills? Looking to build your confidence to provide effective pastoral care? Then this 6-week online course might be for you.

ACC events Members Only

Race is Complicated: How to feel comfortable in the uncomfortable space

This member forum will cover a presentation on the key points of the Race is Complicated toolkit. which was commissioned and launched by the Coalition for Inclusion and Anti-Oppressive Practice that ACC is part of. We will share practical tools on how we can use this in our work as counsellors, trainers and pastoral carers. We will also highlight how the McLeans ABC Cultural Competence Model can be used.

My Internal Supervisor

This training is for therapists or anyone working pastorally or therapeutically with clients (adults or young people). It will provide an opportunity for you to explore and reflect on your own internal supervisor and how this can enhance your therapeutic/pastoral practice.

Pastoral accompaniment at the end of life

Aim of training

ACC events Members Only

CYP Forum

“I know you’re a counsellor. Any chance you can have a word with my grandson. I’m really worried about him.”

Working with stones in counselling

This training will look at introducing stones into the counselling room. We will explore together plain and varnished stones, emotion faces stones, wrapped stones, with an opportunity to explore further in breakout groups.