a woman talking to their counsellor

Why choose an ACC counsellor

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Why choose an ACC counsellor

ACC members work with people of all faiths and none – so people who are not Christians should have no reservations about working with an ACC member. Our members work in many different settings, such as the NHS and in schools and organisations, and in this respect are no different from other counsellors.

However, all members of ACC are practising Christians and have confirmed their agreement with our Statement of Faith. This means that especially for Christians, but also as requested for people with other religious world views, there can be significant benefits in knowing that your counsellor/psychotherapist is someone who understands the lived experience of religious beliefs and spirituality and all that this brings to life.

An ACC counsellor/psychotherapist may also be sought after by those who would describe themselves as spiritual but not religious or are seeking purpose and meaning in life.

Research suggests that where relevant clients benefit from working with counsellors/psychotherapists who are able to facilitate the client’s exploration of how their religious beliefs and spirituality are impacting on their lives and vice versa.

Importantly ACC counsellors/psychotherapists work with a code of ethics and practice which means that they will not impose their beliefs on clients. 

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